Sunday, July 5, 2020

Cosmic Possibilities

Possibilities that include everyone on a spiritual path:
  • Could it be possible that we're all connected somehow in this big multi-verse? 
  • Could it be possible that we're evolving, growing and experiencing life here on earth as sub Logoi and have forgotten?
  • Could it be possible that we're not alone on this journey? That those sub Logoi who've made it further along in evolving awareness than we have are currently trying to help us awaken and remember through dreams, synchronicities and promptings? 
  • Could it be that we're all the Divine Creator disguised through a veil of forgetfulness and confusion? 
  • Could it be that we decided on our own to come here to this earth, at this time, knowing we would completely forget who we really are? 
  • Could it really be that in being Divine in nature, we're all responsible for our own actions and thoughts while we're here?
  • Could it be that our mission is to remember who we are, to love others as our self like Jesus (originally called Jehoshua) taught during his lifetime?
  • Could is be possible that Jesus/Jehoshua was trying to teach those of us alive during that time of awakening about the 'Christ Light' or the 'Christ Awareness' that we are all One and what he/Jesus does we also can do?
  • Could it be that after we pass through the veil in this life we only are responsible for ourselves, to judge ourselves and decide where is best for us to go next?
  • Could it be that we're all spiritually connected as sub Logoi, capable of evolving into even more awareness, having the strength to accomplish this within our mind/bodies/spirits at this very time?

Beginning At The End.

     Here I go attempting to blog as a way of making contact with like minded people who may be in need of help during this experience of tr...